

More insight into your limiting patterns

Mental Fitness, Saboteurs and Sages

Where physical fitness ensures that you can move easily, mental fitness ensures that you can approach life’s major challenges positively. As a result, you experience more relaxation and you perform better. It helps you to recognize feelings of uncertainty, stress and discouragement, to stop and to consciously choose a different response. As a result, you can relax better, you see more possibilities and you are happier. The Saboteurs Workshop is based on Positive Intelligence© Mental Fitness Training. This is a 6-week training in which through daily exercises you become aware of your subversive behavior patterns (Saboteurs) and you practice your ability to stop them the moment they occur and to choose to view them from a different perspective (Sage). to act.

What will you have left after this workshop?

In this workshop we explore your subversive behavioral patterns, your Saboteurs.


You know what Mental Fitness is and how it works


You know your most important Saboteurs and you also know which other saboteurs there are


You know how to recognize and stop your most important Saboteurs


You have a handle to intercept your Saboteurs in everyday life


You have insight into how to choose a different response, from the Sage perspective


And you have a concrete action to get started with

“What was valuable in the Saboteurs Workshop was that we shared our experiences. Being vurnarable to eachother gave a different connection than we are used to. It was instructive for me to share my thoughts about my saboteur with others. That increased my understanding of my own saboteur and I also gained more insight into the behavior of the people I work with”

 Saboteurs-Workshop, more insight into your limiting patterns



For anyone who wants to recognize and intercept their automatic patterns. It is fun and educational to do the Saboteurs Workshop in a team or group that you often work with. This provides insight into your own saboteurs and those of each other.


The Saboteur Workshop lasts a maximum of 4 hours. If desired, the program can be adjusted. The workshop can take place on location and online, via Zoom.


The cost of the workshop varies depending on the size of the group and a performance on location or online.


Are you interested? Please contact me at

Saboteur assessment

If you are curious about your saboteurs, do the free saboteur assessment of Positive intelligence©. This is a digital assessment of approximately 5 minutes, in very accessible English. You will receive the results in your mailbox shortly after completing the assessment.

Free try-out session

If you are interested, I invite you to reach out. Make an appointment for a free online introductory session, where we explore your challenges and difficulties and discover whether there is a mutual connection to embark upon in a program together.